Take the worry away. Get a complete review of your skin with SkinCheck


At our central Copenhagen location, you will be offered a complete skin examination by an experienced specialist, mapping all moles and skin changes with our special Mole Mapping software.

Call us on 61 10 18 10 or book online

SkinCheck: Examination of your skin


2400DKK. ⇒ 1495DKK.

Promotional price for October only - Save 905DKK!

  • ZSkinCheck is a systematic examination of your entire body with both dermatoscope and mole mapping.
  • ZMole mapping: The entire body or specific areas of skin are photographed with a special camera.
  • ZBooking available online
How does the examination work?

You should expect to be with us for 45 minutes. You will be welcomed in our lovely clinic centrally located at Østerport Station. When it's your turn, you will be asked to strip down to your underwear. Our expert (Plastic Surgeon & Skin Cancer Specialist Inanna Weiss) will then meticulously examine your skin from head to toe with a dermatoscope. Dermatoscope - a medical instrument that illuminates and magnifies your skin. The light is polarized so that it can penetrate the top layer of the skin more easily. You will then undergo 'mole mapping' where your entire body is photographed with our specialized equipment to create a map of your skin changes. Notable changes are photographed with dermatoscopic optics. This means that your entire skin is now mapped with all changes in our software program, which can easily recognize new changes at the next visit and mapping. This allows us to keep an extra close eye on your skin changes.


We then create a personalized plan and recommendation for you.

If you want an annual or more frequent SkinCheck, we will call you in time. If you have a skin change in the time between your SkinCheck, you can rest assured that we are always available and will prioritize giving you a very quick appointment.

Should further treatment such as a biopsy or excision be necessary, we will schedule it at your convenience.

SkinCheck plan

2200DKK. ⇒ 2000DKK.

Promotional price for October for a year.

  • ZOne SkinCheck a year we'll remind you when it's time for your next exam so you don't have to remember.
  • ZPrioritized access to Dr. Weiss by separate phone number and email meaning guaranteed appointment as soon as possible but latest within 3 business day (72 hours)
  • Z10% price reduction of any procedure subsequently performed at drinannaweiss.dk
  • ZBooking Available Online
Read more about SkinCheck plan

SkinCheck Plan is our subscription plan that gives you peace of mind. When you join SkinCheckPlan you are guaranteed access to a specialist when you need it. You get a dedicated number and email address where you can contact us and we are always available for you, guaranteeing you a consultation with our specialist within 3 business days, but usually sooner. Your peace of mind is important to us.

Terms and conditions

SkinCheck Plan is our subscription plan that gives you security. A monthly automatic payment of DKK 149 is deducted on the 1st of every month, by card, mobilepay or Apple Pay. We send an annual or bi-annual reminder for your SkinCheck booking so you remember.

In addition to the above terms, the plan offers a 10% price reduction on each subsequent treatment. The plan is renewed every month with automatic billing. It can be canceled at any time, but if the plan is canceled and restarted within 12 months, the 10% discounted price will disappear. The plan must be actively cancelled.

Skin Cancer Expert

Full Body Skin Examination

Satisfied Customers

5+ Years of Experience

What is Mole mapping?

Mole mapping is a method of monitoring moles and skin lesions using digital photography and dermoscopy. During the process, detailed images of the whole body and individual moles are taken to create a baseline. At regular follow-ups, new images are compared to the baseline to detect changes in the size, shape, colour and texture of moles. This method helps identify melanoma in particular at an early stage, increasing the chances of successful treatment.

Why check your skin?

It may surprise you to know that skin cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer, accounting for 1/3 of all diagnosed cancers. The skin is our largest organ and Scandinavians compensate for the dark winter months by spending a lot of time in the sun whenever possible. This, combined with fair and sensitive skin, has led to the incidence of skin cancer in Scandinavia being close to that of Australia, which was previously known as the country with the highest incidence of skin cancer.

Around 40,000 people are diagnosed with non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) and 3,000 with melanoma every year in Denmark.

Early detection is key to successful treatment. Skin cancer is best cured in the early stages. Early diagnosis improves the chance of survival of melanoma and reduces the discomfort of treating NMSC (BCC or SCC).

You should live life and not worry. That’s why self-monitoring knowledge and regular skin checks are important. We want to help you keep track of your skin and be carefree, but we can also help you with good guidance and further treatment if necessary. That is our expertise.

Are you a High Risk Patient?

If you answer yes to any of these questions, you should contact us for a screening.

  • Do you have fair skin, with a history of sunburns?
  • Have you been sun burned as a child or in adolescence?
  • Are you exposed to strong sunlight at regular intervals?
  • Is there a history of skin cancer in your family?
  • Do you have a large number of moles?
  • Are your moles irregular shape or have changed recently
  • Have you had skin cancer in the past?


Inanna er fantastisk til sit arbejde. Jeg har sjældent følt mig så tryg inden jeg skulle opereres. Hun er meget professionel og tager en igennem hele operationen så man ved hvad der sker. Efter bare en uge er mine øjne så fine og det kan næsten ikke ses at jeg er blevet opereret. Jeg kan godt lide den passion hun lægger i sit arbejde og du er ikke bare et nummer i rækken. Hun tager sig tiden til dig og laver et fantastisk resultat.
Jeg kan klart anbefale Inanna♥️


Super behandling hurtigt og smertefrit. Mit problem var skulle vente flere måneder før jeg kunne komme til i det offentlig system. Alternativet var at jeg næste dag kunne få en tid i hos læge I. Weiss og få undersøgt og fjernet en mystisk forekomst der sad ved mit ene øje. Det gjorde ikke ondt og det har helet pænt 🙂

Erik Christian Rosenkrantz

Inanna har 2 gange udført ret kompliceret Mohs-kirurgi i mit ansigt. Begge gange på steder med store udfordringer ift øje/næse og det bedste bevis på Inanna’s meget flotte arbejde er, at mine venner siger “man kan jo slet ikke se, at du er blevet opereret” – og det på trods af det var ret store indgreb, der var tale om. Udover hendes faglige dygtighed er Inanna helt fantastisk til at gøre én tryg og rolig igennem hele forløbet. Hun udviser stor sikkerhed og ro selvom det bliver udfordrende og det er lidt ligesom at blive opereret af en god ven. Så Inanna får mine absolut bedste anbefalinger.

Niels Beck

Recently I was treated by a plastic surgeon Inanna Weiss. Her professional skills are truly remarkable. The combination of expertise, empathic personality and unwavering dedication to perfection made the entire experience exceptional. I couldn´t be happier with the results!

Julia Boe Jensen

A seldom combination of excellent professionel skills and a very empathic personallity
I am very satisfied with the result and I strongly recommend Dr. Inanna Weiss

Anne Hedvig

Excellent patient experience with Dr. Inanna Weiss! She is a very compassionate and empathetic physician who provides truly expert and state of the art care. She took time to explain everything in detail and made me feel comfortable and relaxed. I felt I was in very capable hands and she made herself available as needed throughout my treatment from diagnosis to follow up. She was extremely respectful and sensitive during my procedure, making sure I was okay throughout. I had such a positive experience despite a concerning situation which she identified correctly and dealt with expertly. I highly recommend Dr. Weiss.

Helen Caton-Peters

Inanna provided me with a skin cancer consultation and we agreed that one particular growth on my ankle had to me removed- though not looking suspicious, it bothered me. The procedure was scheduled in 2 weeks and everything went perfect. I am nervous around the doctors and hospitals, but this was one of the most relaxing experience I had despite the invasive nature of the procedure. It was painless! Now, when the stitches are removed, I can say that I am 100% satisfied with the whole procedure and the outcome.

Sonia jensen

We couldn’t have found a more professional and emphatic physician. My wife had a ”tricky” blemish on her upper body that had baffled the previous dermatologist we consulted, which left us quite worried and with more questions than answers, this was before we contacted Dr. Weiss. Her professionalism and expertise immediatly gave us the feeling of being in competent hands. Dr. Weiss herself performed the procedure and removed the blemish with the utmost precision completely pain free. The procedure left no scar and my wife was free of any complications in relation to the procedure. It is safe to say that we recommend Dr. Inanna Weiss if you are looking for an empathic and professionally competent doctor.

Darvish A