That’s why we developed SkinCheck

We genuinely care about our patients and hope to convey this in everything we do.

Dr. Inanna Weiss is a board-certified plastic surgeon, internationally trained and an expert in skin cancer. She specializes in a sophisticated skin cancer removal procedure that ensures the most discreet scar and complete removal of the skin cancer (Mohs/Margin controlled Surgery) as well as complex plastic surgery (reconstructive and aesthetic).


SkinCheck is a full body skin examination, also known as skin cancer screening, skin cancer check, full body skin examination. SkinCheck and SkinCheck plan is a concept that came about when we saw the rise in skin cancer cases and the limited services available to people in general in the healthcare system. It’s time-consuming to get an appointment with a GP who isn’t properly equipped to assess your skin. It’s even harder to get a referral to a dermatologist, let alone find one who has time for a preventive full body screening and mole mapping.

Working internationally (where preventative medicine is a fact of life) and seeing the growing awareness and goal of staying healthy, as well as knowing the harmful consequences of finding skin cancer too late, our desire arose to offer a service that can detect skin cancer early (and thus save lives) and give peace of mind to as many people as possible. That’s why we started SkinCheck, which is a dedicated examination by a trained professional, soon to be followed by mole mapping with the latest equipment.

Skin is our largest organ and we need to take care of it. Skin cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world. We want to contribute to the possibility of having your skin checked regularly by an experienced doctor and advanced software that makes the checks more valuable, so you can feel safe and not worry. We also want to contribute to more knowledge and self-help, as well as offer the possibility to get fast and good treatment if needed, which can stand up to international standards.

Why choose us?

Our goal is to provide you with exceptional service and peace of mind by giving you access to professional care in times when it is limited. We are not rushed and are available when you need us. We want to help you stay healthy and can also treat you if you have a concern. We offer treatment by Scandinavia’s most experienced experts in skin cancer treatment and use innovative technology alongside proven traditional methods.


Inanna er fantastisk til sit arbejde. Jeg har sjældent følt mig så tryg inden jeg skulle opereres. Hun er meget professionel og tager en igennem hele operationen så man ved hvad der sker. Efter bare en uge er mine øjne så fine og det kan næsten ikke ses at jeg er blevet opereret. Jeg kan godt lide den passion hun lægger i sit arbejde og du er ikke bare et nummer i rækken. Hun tager sig tiden til dig og laver et fantastisk resultat.
Jeg kan klart anbefale Inanna♥️


Super behandling hurtigt og smertefrit. Mit problem var skulle vente flere måneder før jeg kunne komme til i det offentlig system. Alternativet var at jeg næste dag kunne få en tid i hos læge I. Weiss og få undersøgt og fjernet en mystisk forekomst der sad ved mit ene øje. Det gjorde ikke ondt og det har helet pænt 🙂

Erik Christian Rosenkrantz

Inanna har 2 gange udført ret kompliceret Mohs-kirurgi i mit ansigt. Begge gange på steder med store udfordringer ift øje/næse og det bedste bevis på Inanna’s meget flotte arbejde er, at mine venner siger “man kan jo slet ikke se, at du er blevet opereret” – og det på trods af det var ret store indgreb, der var tale om. Udover hendes faglige dygtighed er Inanna helt fantastisk til at gøre én tryg og rolig igennem hele forløbet. Hun udviser stor sikkerhed og ro selvom det bliver udfordrende og det er lidt ligesom at blive opereret af en god ven. Så Inanna får mine absolut bedste anbefalinger.

Niels Beck

Recently I was treated by a plastic surgeon Inanna Weiss. Her professional skills are truly remarkable. The combination of expertise, empathic personality and unwavering dedication to perfection made the entire experience exceptional. I couldn´t be happier with the results!

Julia Boe Jensen

A seldom combination of excellent professionel skills and a very empathic personallity
I am very satisfied with the result and I strongly recommend Dr. Inanna Weiss

Anne Hedvig

Excellent patient experience with Dr. Inanna Weiss! She is a very compassionate and empathetic physician who provides truly expert and state of the art care. She took time to explain everything in detail and made me feel comfortable and relaxed. I felt I was in very capable hands and she made herself available as needed throughout my treatment from diagnosis to follow up. She was extremely respectful and sensitive during my procedure, making sure I was okay throughout. I had such a positive experience despite a concerning situation which she identified correctly and dealt with expertly. I highly recommend Dr. Weiss.

Helen Caton-Peters

Inanna provided me with a skin cancer consultation and we agreed that one particular growth on my ankle had to me removed- though not looking suspicious, it bothered me. The procedure was scheduled in 2 weeks and everything went perfect. I am nervous around the doctors and hospitals, but this was one of the most relaxing experience I had despite the invasive nature of the procedure. It was painless! Now, when the stitches are removed, I can say that I am 100% satisfied with the whole procedure and the outcome.

Sonia jensen

We couldn’t have found a more professional and emphatic physician. My wife had a ”tricky” blemish on her upper body that had baffled the previous dermatologist we consulted, which left us quite worried and with more questions than answers, this was before we contacted Dr. Weiss. Her professionalism and expertise immediatly gave us the feeling of being in competent hands. Dr. Weiss herself performed the procedure and removed the blemish with the utmost precision completely pain free. The procedure left no scar and my wife was free of any complications in relation to the procedure. It is safe to say that we recommend Dr. Inanna Weiss if you are looking for an empathic and professionally competent doctor.

Darvish A